Walk down the street via the complex simplicity that is Richard S. Allen II as he delivers his world experiences in which he lives, through his random beliefs mashed with unorthodox skills of technological writing and vivid color. Its the gift and the curse.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

This Thing Called KARMA

Yo Ho HO and a bottle of rum,

Im back off an extended vacation, and ready to get the thoughts out my head onto something I can revisit. I must apologize to myself first for NOT continuing my writing, it's not an easy task for me, but I think I might finally be equip to write on the fly from my (Steve from Blues Clues Voice) handy dandy cellular device. Don't you just love technology. Any who so yeah, this thing called Karma.

NOW, let me start off by saying I'm not a believer in superstitious occurrences. I was the kid that always stepped on the cracks, the kid that ALWAYS spilt the pole (and laugh to watch people go back to undo my split). So needless to say, I had no idea, and probably not a care in the word for the phenomena knows as Karma.

For those of you that don't know, here is a little Webster action for you:
Main Entry: kar·ma
Pronunciation: \ˈkär-mə also ˈkər-\
Function: noun
The force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence.

Long story short, the idea of Karma is "what comes around, goes around" "if you do good things, you get good results," you do bad... Well, yeah, you pick up what I'm putting down.

Seems pretty simple and even ties into "The Golden Rule": Do onto looks as others do onto you. Thats right? RIGHT? I hope so. I digress

2010 has been a year of ups and downs, fun and pain, sorrow and joy, but has been a very unique twist of fate for myself. You see, for the first time in the 27 years on of life, I have actually had the opportunity to experience of what I have put others through. You know when you arguing with someone, and they say, "You just don't understand how that makes me feel," well I actually got the chance to "feel" on more than one occasion. And that shit SUCKS, to finally come to grips, see, and experience what my actions do to people has really been an eye opening experience for me. HA! I laugh in jest because I'm usually the one "opening peoples eyes" but its true, it really has. Being able to take a step from the game and watch from the sideline so something not many of us do, but would be great if we all could. Seeing objectively gives you an edge that no one and take from you, and applying that knowledge once you get back in the game makes you an even stronger player.

So with that said, I just wanted to apologize publicly to the people that I have hurt or betrayed unknowingly due to my selfishness and lack of responsibility, and would also like to thank each and every one of them of allowing me to experience that Karma that is rightfully mine. I can say it has become a true life altering experience that I will cherish.

I close with some creeds that I currently live by, just to share for your entertainment. The first is "every action, has a reaction" and second is "there are two sides to every story, its up to you to find the positive in them." Armed with those thus far, I have had some good times and some bad. While sitting on the sideline I have realized that this thing called Karma just might need to be equipped more than ever before because you know what, I'm just trying to be a good person. My name is Rich.
