Walk down the street via the complex simplicity that is Richard S. Allen II as he delivers his world experiences in which he lives, through his random beliefs mashed with unorthodox skills of technological writing and vivid color. Its the gift and the curse.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bold Faced Lies

Hi Again All,

Stopping by to discuss the topic of the LIE. We all do it, we all have our reasons for it. But the real question is, who are we lying to. We lie to deceive, save face, for business strategy, for personal advancement, and avoid hurt and pain. Lies are told to close and distant people, from children to parents and from parents to children. Lies are so much more used today, we sometimes get so far wrapped in a lie, we cant escape it.

The reason I bring this to the table is just that, to find out who we are lying too. I do believe that we as humans have rendered the art of lying so much, that we cannot depict that we are lying to ourselves. The mind is indeed a powerful thing, we can MAKE ourselves believe what we want. People lie to themselves to make them feel better about the decisions they are making in life. We all know the rights and wrongs of the world. BUT we all justify. It's OK if I tell him this because... Im an advocate for justification. Doesn't mean its right, in turns two lies get told. We lie to that person and ourselves. Doesn't it say somewhere, every time you lie, you lose a bit of yourself.

Have you ever met those people that live in their own personal fictitious world because the real world has disowned them for lying?? As you observe that person, you watch the person as they attempt to create a bigger and better entity than what they are to over compensate for what they have lost via lies. It becomes sad to watch the bridges of bonds they have collapsed, among family, friends, and loved ones all because of one peoples selfish acts.

Many of us don't have the strength or awareness to see that we are doing it. Some of us are just nieve to the pool of lies in which we create. And to what means?? Minutes or hours of satisfaction?? The bold faced lie, the little white lie are all the same, some are needed, but some harm us in means that we cant even fathom, at least not as yet. Take this time to evaluate the lies you tell, hopefully, enough of you has not been lost to make that change.

So in conclusion I pose to you AND myself a deep question, Richard who are you lying to REALLY? The sooner you realize you've been lying to yourself time to time, the sooner the world will change for you.

Mission accomplished!

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