Walk down the street via the complex simplicity that is Richard S. Allen II as he delivers his world experiences in which he lives, through his random beliefs mashed with unorthodox skills of technological writing and vivid color. Its the gift and the curse.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tetris (A Game Of Falling Pieces)

Greetings, Howdy, and all that jazz,

Im finally back and ready to write. Its been a long while since Triggerific passed and I just wasn't ready to express myself but now, I think the time has arrived. With that being said, I want to invite you to follow me on a thought provoking piece that I call "Falling Pieces".

Life, such a wonderful thing, it happens right before our very eyes, yet sometimes we miss it, and its not until years later that we truly understand the happens among us on a day to day basis. To me, life is as simple as a game, in fact, when you think about it, life is just like playing the classic game of Tetris. Ha! Yeah I said it, Tetris, the game of "Falling Pieces". Follow me as I attempt to shed some light.

Just as in Tetris, you begin life with a blank slate. Consider your actual day of birth to be your level 000. There are millions of possibilities and endless outcomes to life through, but for me, February 24th, 1983 was the beginning of my game, and I was born with a blank slate. Now just like in Tetris, the game starts and you begin to see "Falling Pieces," and this is realitive to your life, where it REALLY doesn't matter where you put these pieces. As the trickle down, throwing them carelessly to the left, to the right, flipping them upside down, however you feel, because that stage of the game, nothing really matter and it is all fixable. Think of this stage of your life as your adolescent stage in life where you are care free with no responsibilities and MAYBE someone watching you play, co-signing on some, but not all, of your decisions. Because remember, Tetris is a one player game, and no one can live your life for you. (MESSAGE!)

Now in your younger years, or the early levels of the game, you are trying to figure this game (of life/Tetris) out. You are told, these are the things you need to do to succeed in life. This transfers to the notion of Tetris, you soon learn that to proceed and succeed in the game. You must make lines. And you begin to make your lines and take notice do your leveling up. Just as in Tetris you get to level 010 really fast, think of this as being your life in Elementary School. Again, not a care in the world. But now Jr High and High School approach and your pieces start to fall just a little faster, making your once thrown around pieces require more thought and logic.

Now lets just use the levels as a metaphor to age, so you get level 013-018, your teenage years, and decisions are being made, "Who to date", "What to wear", "Where to work" you know the normal dramas of a teen that tend to challenge your life, making the game a tad bit harder to play. But you manage to keep it moving, making lines vanish, all to the hypnotizing trance of the beat. You graduate High School and begin your adult life, Level 018 and beyond, and the game speed up just a little more. Think to yourself, when you were is 5th grade, these words NEVER came out your mouth "Man, that year went by fast". But your senior year in High School, and even your College life, you've probably said that at least two times yearly. (Food for thought).

Now with the metaphor of Life/Tetris laid before you, here is the vital point of it all. Have you ever planned to do something, had EVERYTHING you need to make that dream work, and for some reason, it just didn't pan out? That's because you weren't given the right piece to make your Tetris. We spend endless an amount of time organizing our lives to fit just perfectly, looking for that block shape to appear and begin to trickle down and what happens.....

You get a Damn "L" shape. REALLY all I need is a block and you give me a damn "L". NOW AINT THAT ABOUTA BITCH!

Life throws you wrenches and gives you lemons, but its up to you to depict what you are going to do with those. Some people blame life itself of the random shapes that they don't need at that time, and tend to forget to celebrate when they do get the "zig-zag" at just the right moment for that job they were wanting, or needing, or meeting that special someone. But what we have to realize is that you can't plan life, for it is the most ultimate unknown. Because yesterday is history, and tomorrow is a mystery, we have to learn to live NOW at the moment, thus making today special, for the move you make today can determine your tomorrow.(MESSAGE!)

Yes you can have dreams and goals to get to a certain place in life, however, without knowing the next 5 steps in advance, you can only assume, hope, and dream that you are gifted the right pieces. But more importantly we have to learn to play through those times that we get the wrong piece. In Tetris, there is ALWAYS the chance to correcting that hole you missed in the middle of the game. Say you didn't graduate High School because of a baby, or your whole life you just KNEW you were going to the NFL or NBA and you blow out your knee, well you can keep playing and work to fill that hole, removing it from the game going back to school and getting your GED or helping kids see that they need an option B for that untimely falling piece.That's finding the positive in the midst of all the falling pieces, though it seems bad at first, you can still surpass the unwanted falling piece. (MESSAGE!)

Yet falling pieces can be hard some times and everyone is equip with the strength to seek the positive. As you can just have a bad string of pieced dealt to you. Many people tend to hold the "DOWN" button and stack pieces on pieces until the game is over, or what can be a metaphor for giving up on life, never taking the time to move and work to stay in the game.

My father taught me at a very young age "There is no such thing as can't." It took me 20 years to realize the purpose, but he is 100% right. If you defeat yourself first by saying you "Can't" then you turned this one player game, into a 2 versus 1 game. But if you stay working at it, slowly but surely you see the end result, a high score at a high level, and that's what we strive for in this game. Having success in life is being wealthy, healthy, and to have a long life or leveling up to 090-100 if you will. And I hope playing does grant you this.

So you see, life is just like Tetris, a game of falling pieces. We just have to figure out what you want to do with our falling pieces. Maybe 2012 will deal you the right ones, maybe it won't, the question is........

Are you willing to play the game??? Be great this year! Thanks for reading...........

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