Walk down the street via the complex simplicity that is Richard S. Allen II as he delivers his world experiences in which he lives, through his random beliefs mashed with unorthodox skills of technological writing and vivid color. Its the gift and the curse.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Race of the Cure

Howdy Partners,

Its been an interesting week for me, but that's another topic. I lost my phone, rather broke it, and upon getting it back and reconfiguring it, i stumbled on a little memo I wrote. Just another creation I had from before, but was so fitting to the way the week has already progressed. So enjoy.

Following your dreams takes you all across the world, doing the unthinkable, proving others wrong, but most importantly, proving to yourself that you can. Time and time again we are so doubtful of ourselves that people begin to have doubt within you as well. Its a level of comfort that has crippled the human nature just as a deadly virus. We all tend to give up, because someone, somewhere has given up on our potential. Most of us in the real world don't get hired off of potential talent, you either have it or hit the road.
When a person is given talent, or is talented, they tend to take it for granted, not realizing how much that initial talent will open doors, but only going to the extent in which that attribute will take them, in turn settling. This is a virus of satisfactory that I spoke of, a disease that spreads so vastly that everyone catches on and feeds into it. But alas, there is a remedy for this deteriorating disease, its only cure, self-confidence. Find confidence within yourself and go shock the world, I know I plan to, by becoming a better me than I was yesterday, beginning with believing in myself today....

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