Walk down the street via the complex simplicity that is Richard S. Allen II as he delivers his world experiences in which he lives, through his random beliefs mashed with unorthodox skills of technological writing and vivid color. Its the gift and the curse.

Friday, February 19, 2010

See It Before You Do It

Hey All

This is Rich again with another blog entry. Today I wanted to talk bout taking a leap of faith. Now, I don't necessarily mean religiously, although we all can attest to that concept. But I mean taking the big step without planning. That step that you just say "fuck it" and throw all your worries, pride, fears, and values away and go for it. All or nothing, the sink or swim gamble, THE decision of your life, when you look back and say, "Damn I really messed that up". Many of us make this "leap," thinking its the last resort, but really for no reason. We think the gain is going to be so far substantial that we risk giving up all we worked for thus far, on a chance, a lil orange card flipped over on the board.

Its good to feed off your emotions, its NOT good to let your emotions feed on your decisions. (Thats a good thought, never put it in words like that) I digress. As much as I'm ANTI-GOAL minded, I see the strategic concept behind them. When we plan, (CORRECTLY) we put ourselves in a good to great situation for success. We develop the "if/than's" that we might encounter and virtually devise ways in which to incorporate them or work around them.

My mom (Mama Allen)is the queen of the Plan ABC method. She tries to get me to follow, but for some reason all I take in is the Charlie Brown teacher. (Waa Waa WaaWaa Waa Waa Waa) I know, I know its not right, but yes I'm hard headed. The point is that we do all need to set goals. My father told me last night, that he wanted a family, a wife, 2.5 kids, and a dog, so he planned for it to be in his future, and took the leap knowing that he was heading in the right direction.

Goals are very abstract, but more importantly, are created by you. We can set goals for the minimal as well as the max, just depends on our mindset. I do believe we should all set standards for ourselves to where we want to be in our futures and start working on it day to accomplish that blind goal. I think most people believe that fixing today will aide us in the future, but those fixes end up being weak, and underdeveloped due to the desire of immediate results. We all have our personal opinions, and this is just mine.

So I as where are you in life, are you ready to jump? That's a question that we all should ask ourselves frequently, it wont hurt. As for me, in the year 2010, I have my eyes on a distant prize, having officially rolled out the blueprint, and drafted a master plan. This is big for me, because I live a very safe life. I don't believe in taking uncalculated risks. Many people believe that I'm "go with the flow" but I'm not. So this concept will be new for me, the execution of actions to reach my endpoint, when it becomes time to leap. I have faith that I'll be ready. I grow so fast in short stages in my life and thus far I can say I have my I've seen it, planned it, and soon will be ready to finally take my leap of faith. I guess mom really does know best :o). Wish me luck, there no turning back.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good step..you will see its not that bad..its like losing weight...
