Walk down the street via the complex simplicity that is Richard S. Allen II as he delivers his world experiences in which he lives, through his random beliefs mashed with unorthodox skills of technological writing and vivid color. Its the gift and the curse.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Battle Among Us

Hello, Greeting, & All that junk.

This morning I bring you another archived thought just to share. This is about the art of war. Im referring to the chess match that is "love." At this point of my life I was discovering what love really was, and what was needed to hold on to it. Enjoy.

Love is a silly game we play filled with ups and downs, in and outs. Its about the uplifting gains, and the crumbling setbacks. Its about the have, and the have nots. Those that want it fight so hard to get it, but it turns so wrong when you fail to receive it, with all the pain, emotion, and energy spent. Others are so scared to give it, for fear it will make them weak and vulnerable. We all see the battle begin to unfold in front of us now right? As the stalemate dawns upon us, the weak ones give up the fight. But us strong ones, fighting and battling, day by day, year by year, later than sooner do reach that other side of the board. There is not plan, no script, no time frame, just will and courage to battle within the lines and outside of them.

I'll let you in on a secret though, trust and communication are the keys to love. Once those elements vanish, the darkness of insecurity causes change within your world, changes that can be considered as defeat and push for the decision to raise the white flag. But i assure you, with your shield of trust and your sword of communication, the battlefield is yours for the taking. So choose, stand up and begin your fight, arm yourself and put your heart on the line, but if you do choose this game of love, bring your "A" game, because I promise it will be an all out war......

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