Walk down the street via the complex simplicity that is Richard S. Allen II as he delivers his world experiences in which he lives, through his random beliefs mashed with unorthodox skills of technological writing and vivid color. Its the gift and the curse.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Its a Celebration, Or is it??

Greetings, Hello's, & All That Jazz

As mentioned behind i was going to mingle in some of my old writing along with my new that i never posted. Understand my thoughts and idea were raw, so I will edit some but not enough to take away the originality. This thought is dated February 25th, 2006, as i was supposed to be celebrating my birthday, instead, my mind was here.

Have you ever asked yourselves, what is celebration? I sit and observe the thumping of the beat, swinging of hair, all the smiles and frowns and laughing fills the atmosphere, but yet what do we celebrate? Is it love, friendship, success, or good ole drunkenness? I observe the different mindsets as I wonder on my own. Why do we celebrate, is it for the weekend, missed relationships?

Across the world at this very moment people are drinking their lives away
Its different for all of us, though we cannot explain and none will probably be the same. We all have a purpose, find yours and do that shit. Celebrate something, if it is even the fact of being alive, because life is indeed a gift. Ive learned life is as short as we make it, filled with ups and downs, and the crazy thing is that we celebrate both, our ups and downs, when you get that new job, or when you lose that same one you "hated".

So tonight call the ones you love and celebrate for we never know if tomorrow will show, Never. Except for me... ill observe you... I'm done celebrating, the beat of the drum only intrigues me so much. I'd rather be celebrating things that are necessary, my family, lovers... fuck individual days.i.e. Valentines, Mothers Fathers, Birthday, no no i digress, rather fuck the commercialization the world has put on these days, let people know you love them everyday. That way.. when tomorrow comes, or if it doesn't, they all know. Now dance to that shit...

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